Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Triathlon Tips for Parents & Youth

Today is the final installment of our three-part series on triathlon tips for parents and youth.

7. Use sunglasses whenever possible on the bike. The wind can cause tears and blurring eyesight.

8. The bike to run is tough for new triathletes. Even good runners struggle to run well after riding. Prepare for this with practice and by starting with a slightly shorter stride, concentrating on form, being relaxed and breathing out during the run.

9. The last stages of the triathlon run are mentally and physically difficult. With a swim in the arms and a bike ride in the legs, finishing off the run will test the toughest kid. The mental components are hard to teach but encouragement in the form of finishing and feeling good about the process of training and racing must be a priority of the parent. Focus your late race comments and motivation on the process and not outcome for your young triathlete.

10. Stand tall and be proud of what you and your child accomplished. They did it; they participated and completed the task! They and you are winners the second they stepped up to the starting line in that cold dark water and took their first stoke. You both were players in this game of Tri life and that’s better than being a spectator!

Check back soon on for more Training Tips

Click here for part 1 in the series on triathlon tips for parents & youth
Click here for part 2 in the series on triathlon tips for parents & youth
Click here for videos and more training tips

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